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A+ MTB First Aid Class

Knowing how to respond to an emergency on the trail is pretty important, especially if you're way out in the woods somewhere. We started talking about doing a mountain bike (MTB) specific first aid training back in late 2019 and had hoped to hold it in 2020 but we all know what happened there. Alas, on June 5, 2021 FORBA partnered with Wake Forest Wilderness Medicine to host a MTB first aid class at Hobby Park.

The class was awesome. We met at the shelter at Hobby Park. It was a hot day but we were comfortable in the shade. Our instructors from Wake Forest Wilderness Medicine - Dr. Chris Davis, Dr. Chris Peluso, and Dr. Henderson McGinnis - dropped some serious knowledge over the course of 3 hours. It was interactive, informative, and lots of fun. After learning how to respond to things like concussions, broken bones, heavy bleeding, bites/stings, and heatstroke, and learning what first aid items every rider should have while riding, we enjoyed lunch. FORBA President, Jake Easter, grilled the hot dogs and the group enjoyed long awaited socializing with fellow mountain bikers. We wrapped up the event raffling off some prizes.

20+ people learned life-saving first aid skills. This knowledge will not only benefit them but anyone they may encounter along the trail. In addition to educating FORBA members and the general public, we raised over $650 dollars at the event thanks to the generosity of class participants. We are so grateful for this financial support and promise to put it to good use as we work on projects this year.

All in all, the MTB First Aid Class was a hit and we're looking forward to holding more educational events like this in the future. If you missed this one, keep your eyes out for communications about another class in the fall.

Thanks again to our amazing instructors and everyone who came out and donated. #safealife #mtb #firstaid #wakeforest #wildernessmedicine #hobbypark #winstonsalem

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